Hydrologic Cycle

Diputación de Alicante



Convocatoria para la concesión en el ejercicio 2020 de subvenciones a favor de entidades locales y entidades de rie...

Convocatoria para la concesión en el ejercicio 2021 de subvenciones a favor de entidades de riego de la provincia d...

Pumping test of a new well in Biar

This morning the pumping test of a new 216 m deep well was carried out in Biar. This water well has been executed to complement the urban supply of th...

Intelligent City Challenge

This week the Water Department we have attended the 3rd City Lab of ICC, a program in which the Provincial Council of Alicante participates with other...

Water and innovation

From Ciclo Hídrico of the Provincial council of Alicante we present the Wave - Interreg Europe project in which we are working to create new opportuni...

National Water Congress 2021

It is now possible to register (for free) in the III National Water Congress, which will take place in Orihuela on September 30 and October 1, 2021, a...

New supply well for Pinoso

The Provincial Council will guarantee the supply of water to Pinoso with this catchment. A well made with direct rotary percussion up to 650 m. deep t...

Technical Commission Provincial Water Conference

This week and almost by surprise, the Júcar Hydrographic Confederation has unilaterally declared a series of aquifers in the Alto Vinalopó over-exploi...

Congrés Nacional d’Inundacions. Presentació de Miguel Fernández Mejuto

Miguel Fernández Mejuto ha presentat la ponència titulada "Plataformas d'alerta primerenca i de gestió d'avingudes. Visió des de l'Administració local...

Congrés Nacional d’Inundacions

Ja estan publicats els programes de ponències i comunicacions del Congrés Nacional d'Inundacions que es va a celebrar els dies 10 i 11 de setembre en...
