WAter-linked heritage Valorization by developing an Ecosystemic approach
WaVE Interreg Project Summary
WaVE stands for Water-linked heritage Valorization by developing an Ecosystemic approach.
WaVE can count on 7 partners who have in common a rich history of cultural heritage that has been formed through an interaction with water.
WaVE focuses on the improvement of regional and local policies to open up their possibilities for supporting the development of integrated adaptive reuses of water-linked cultural heritage sites in human settlements.
WaVE goal is to improve the overall support by the addressed policy instruments for integrated valorisation approaches of cultural heritage, to sparkle ideas for the creation of new projects aiming at integrated valorisation of water-linked cultural heritage, and to raise awareness for the subject at other cities and regions in Europe.
‘We thus not only want to preserve and further develop heritage and nature, but also expect side effects such as socio-economic growth and climate adaptation.’
How will the partners proceed in WaVE Interreg project?
Through a joint work of interregional knowledge sharing, learning, transmitting Good Practices and Engaging with local Stakeholders, we will define Action Plans.
3 fundamental stages will lead us to our goal: ANALYSIS, KNOWLEDGE SHARING and PLANNING . Stage 2 represents the ‘heart’ of the project and will be accomplished in the Interregional Knowledge Exchange Sessions (IKES) organised in presence of stakeholders.
In the case of the Alicante Province we will concentrate our effords in two pilot cases: the set of Relleu and Tibi dams, and the traditional irrigated agriculture in the area of Vega Baja, in the surroundings of Almoradí.
WaVE Interreg Project. Useful links:
More info: https://www.interregeurope.eu/wave/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WaVEInterreg/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/wave-interreg-europe/